Ceo Message
Dear Team, Clients, and Partners,
Contracting work has always been a key engine for national advancement and growth. Since the early '80s, TBFC has played a pivotal role in Egypt’s sustainable development, particularly through participating in strategic airport and infrastructure projects. Over the past four decades, our secret formula for successfully honoring our contractual agreements is simple and rests on five main pillars:
A proficient engineering and design office -
Careful cooperation and coordination with project stakeholders -
Making available the right calibers and equipment for each project -
Delivering works as per planned schedules and conforming to necessary required testing -
Finally, fulfilling and exceeding all our contract warranty agreements
TBFC has developed exceptional engineering and execution capabilities in tarmac and runway lighting, infrastructure, and power substations. Whether it’s a government agency entrusting us with a sensitive project or a foreign supplier tendering his products and reputation through our work, TBFC partners have time and again attested to their satisfaction through certificates, recurring works, and invaluable long-term partnerships.

40 Years of innovative engineering
The Points We Have Chosen To Highlight In The Above Historical Diagram Are Just A Slight Representation Of Many -Sometimes Easy. Other Times Difficult- Stepping Stones Our Company Has Experienced On The Way To Carve A Proper Place On The Notional Ana International Contracting Map.

TBFC founded by Eng. Ahmed Reda as Egypt's 1st AGL (Airfield Ground Lighting) Contractor.

TBFC WINS Egypt's 1st CAT Il Runway: OSL Cairo Airport Company, Presidential Runway.

Egypt's 1st Application of the Survey & Core Drill Tech: 05C Cairo Airport Company Commercial

TBFC 1st General Contracting Project: EAC (Egyptian Airport Company) New Headquarters.

winning Nozha airport runway & power substation challenging project

Egypt’s 1st LED Runways: Retrofitting 05L CAC Presidential Runway

TBFC launches IBIS its sourcing & supply arm in Alliance with FBTech, AirSafe and Alpha-Cim.

TBFC moves to its new Headquarters in New Cairo

TBFC built Hydrology network, airport fence and runway infrastructure for Borg el arab airport.

TBFC built Hydrology network, airport fence and runway infrastructure for Saint Catherine Airport

TBFC executed runway infrastructure for Marsa Alam Airport
Vision And Mission
Business Life Value
For Over 40 Years, TBFC Has Succeeded At Keeping Up With, And Exceeding, The Ever Dynamic Requirements Of Our Clients, And Of Regulatory Authorities. Likewise, A Deeply Rooted Health And Safety Culture Benefits The Most Precious Of Our Assets, Our Team, As Well As Equipment, Property, 3rd Parties, And The Environment We Work In.

As A Blessed Son Of The Zero-Error Tolerance Aviation Industry Family, TBFC Has Quality As An Inherently Engrained Aspect Of Its Operational And Final Product DNA. TBFC’s Strong Sense Of CSR Has Long Preceded The Market And Industry’s Movement. Whether The Inner Project Environment, Or The Local Village’s That Hosts That Project, TBFC Tries Its Best To Go Beyond Its Contractual Obligations Ensuring A Positive Everlasting Impacts On Its Inner And Outer Project Environments Comprising All Stakeholders.
Business Life Value
TBFC’s Name Has Always Been Synonymous With Integrity, Innovation And Quality. Only Achievable Through Ethical Dealings, TBFC Upholds Its Reputation And People Well Beyond Any Financial Gains. We Strongly Believe That Hiring Locally, Developing Projects Communities, Continuously Training, Buying Where We Break Ground…Championing The Human Beings In And Around Our Projects Pays Back One Way Or Another

Services we offer
High Quality Services Of Multiple Industries
For Over 40 Years, TBFC Nos Worked With The Egyptian Government On_ Strategic Projects Scattered All Over Egypt Whether A Military Or Civilian Airport In The New Administrative Capitol Ag Power Substation In Hurghada.
Design & Build
Project Management
Construction Management
Supply, Applications & Commissioning
Projects Role
Tbfc projects role
For Over 40 Years, TBFC Nos Worked With Tne Egyptian Government On_ Strategic Projects Scattered All Over Egypt Whether A Military Or Civillan Airport In The New Aoministrative Capitol Ag Power Substation In Hurghada.

Main Contractor



Specialist Contractor